I remember when my relationship was about to end,
Getting my ex-girlfriend on the phone was hard, and she always had excuses for being unavailable.
It was unlike her to avoid communicating with me.
She could be online, and I would send her a message without a response, or she would go offline immediately after receiving my message.
It was hard to wrap my head around what was happening.
It was obvious to those around me that the relationship was over, but it was hard to accept.
Until I finally found out she was dating another guy.
You might have found yourself in a situation where your boyfriend is acting in a certain way to suggest that the relationship is over, but you aren’t sure about it yet.
In this article, I will share 13 solid signs the relationship is over for him.
If you are ready, let’s get started.
Top 13 Signs The Relationship Is Over For Him
1. He Doesn’t Call Or Text Anymore

If your boyfriend starts to act cold and distant towards you, that could be a sign the relationship is over for him.
Men are generally excited when they are in love, which makes them call or text you often.
But when he’s no longer interested in calling and texting you, it might signal the relationship is about to end.
Communication is the foundation of every healthy relationship, and if you can no longer communicate with him as before, there’s something wrong.
If your boyfriend can go days and weeks without calling you and has no valid excuse for his actions, that could mean it’s over.
Communication is the first thing that breaks down before any relationship finally comes to an end.
And if your boyfriend doesn’t want to communicate with you, it might mean it’s over.
2. He Tries To Avoid You
If your boyfriend tries to avoid you, that could mean he’s no longer interested in the relationship.
He could be online and ignore your messages, or you might call him, and he doesn’t pick up or return the calls.
You could tell him you are coming to visit him, and he would tell you not to come because he’s busy.
When you visit him unannounced, he would complain that you didn’t inform him before coming and leave you in the house.
I had a similar experience when my girlfriend was about to leave the relationship.
It was hard to get her to chat with me online.
Getting her to have a meaningful conversation with me became very difficult because she was always out of my reach.
I caught her cheating a few months later, and the relationship ended.
If you have observed your boyfriend trying to avoid you, that’s a sign the relationship is over for him.
3. Anything You Do Gets Him Angry
When a guy is tired of you, anything you do or say angers him.
If you notice your boyfriend is unnecessarily angry or he says hurtful things to you when angry, that’s a sign it might be over.
If he yells at you over minor issues or when your presence annoys him,
That’s a sign he doesn’t want you anymore.
When my ex wanted to quit the relationship, there was no fun between us anymore,
Anything I said, even when it was a joke, offended her, and it would end in an argument.
If you notice your boyfriend is now disrespectful to you and doesn’t regard you anymore, that’s a sign the relationship is over for him.
4. You Only See Him When He Needs Something
If your boyfriend only comes to you when he needs money or wants to sleep with you, and after that, he disappears,
That could be a sign he’s using you, and the relationship is over.
If he doesn’t want to communicate with you or he’s always trying to avoid you, then suddenly comes asking you for something, that’s a critical sign you shouldn’t ignore.
If your boyfriend keeps disappearing, that a sign it’s over, but he’s with you because of what’s he’s getting from you.
5. He Starts To Take You For Granted
If he doesn’t value you or starts to treat you disrespectfully, that could be a sign that the relationship is over for him.
He might mock you in front of his friends or tell his friends he doesn’t want the relationship and he’s just using you for fun.
If he acts like you are a burden to him, that’s also a sign.
Another sign is you discover he’s flirting with other women, and he’s not remorseful; he could even be dating other women without hiding it.
6. He Doesn’t Put In Any Effort In The Relationship
If your boyfriend doesn’t put in any effort in the relationship, that’s a sign the relationship is over for him.
If a man is interested in you, he will be excited about you, making him put effort into the relationship to make you happy.
When you notice you are the only one putting in all the effort to keep the relationship going, that could be a sign it’s over.
A relationship is a two-way street; it requires commitment from both sides to make it work.
If you are the only one calling, texting, or buying him gifts, you are dating yourself, and the relationship is over for him.
7. He Gives Too Many Excuses
If you ask him why he didn’t visit you, he gives you excuses.
He has an excuse to give for everything that happens.
For instance, if you saw inappropriate chats on his phone with another girl, he would have an excuse for it.
If your boyfriend starts acting suspiciously and always has an excuse to back it up, that might be a sign the relationship is over for him.
Whenever my ex and I decided to get on the phone and discuss our issues, she switched off her phone at the time we agreed,
She would later come up with an excuse that didn’t make sense. It was a terrible experience.
If your boyfriend makes excuses for everything and is unwilling to change, that’s a sign that the relationship is over for him.
8. He’s Not Afraid Of Losing You

When a guy truly loves you, he’s afraid of losing you, which makes him respect and protect you.
But when the relationship is over to him, he’s not afraid of losing you; instead, he does things that make you no longer interested.
How he treats you would make you know he’s not afraid of losing you.
He won’t show up when you are in need, even in an emergency.
If you are not a priority to him, and it doesn’t bother him if you stay in the relationship or quit,
That’s a sign the relationship is over for him.
9. He Becomes Secretive
If you notice your boyfriend is now secretive about his life or makes major decisions without telling you, that’s a sign that the relationship is over for him.
If he travels or changes his job without telling you, that’s a sign he longer considers you as part of his plan.
When a man loves you, he wants to inform and involve you in his plans.
If he becomes secretive and hides everything about his life from you, it might mean it’s over to him.
He could make a major decision without telling you, and when you find out, he says, “Sorry, I forgot,” and repeats it another time,
That is a sure sign the relationship is over for him
10. He Doesn’t Spend Any Money In The Relationship
Maintaining excitement in a relationship requires money.
Having a romantic dinner in a fancy restaurant, going on vacation, and getting birthdays gifts requires money.
If you notice your boyfriend doesn’t want to spend a penny in the relationship, that’s a sign the relationship is over for him.
If you love someone, you want to invest emotionally and financially in the relationship.
If he’s unwilling to spend money on you, that could be a sign he’s trying to guard himself against investing too much in a relationship he doesn’t plan to stay in for the long term.
If he was spending money before and suddenly stopped, that could be a sign he’s making exit plans for the relationship.
11. He Doesn’t Care About You Or Your Feelings
If you notice your boyfriend doesn’t care about you or how you feel, that’s a sign the relationship is over for him.
If he doesn’t care if you are hurt, or your tears don’t mean anything to him, his heart is no longer in the relationship.
If he doesn’t bother to find out if you are alright and safe, that’s also a sign to be aware of.
Imagine you traveled, and he didn’t bother to call you and find out if you arrived safely or call you throughout your stay there. That’s proof you are the only one in the relationship.
If a relationship is over for a guy, he doesn’t care about you anymore, and it would be so obvious that you would notice it.
12. He Picks A Fight With You For No Reason
If your boyfriend picks a fight with you over petty issues and doesn’t talk to you for days or weeks, that might be a sign the relationship is over for him.
If he picks a fight with you for no apparent reason, that could mean he’s looking for an excuse to quit officially.
Just before my relationship ended, my ex and I were fighting almost daily,
It was strange because we had no fights for the first two years of our relationship.
But the moment she was looking for an excuse to quit, we started fighting consistently.
Most of the things we fought about didn’t make sense, but she was always quick to pick a fight with it.
13. Your Instincts Would Notify You

Often when a relationship is over for a guy, your instinct is the first to notify you.
Most women refuse to accept the truth and live in denial, especially if they’ve been in the relationship for a long time.
If your instinct has been telling you that your relationship is about to end,
You have to take it seriously and evaluate your boyfriend’s actions in recent times.
Take your instincts seriously to avoid wasting time with a guy who already has an exit plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Know When A Man Is Done With The Relationship?
A few signs can tell you a man is done with the relationship. Some of them are listed below:
Anything you do gets him angry
He starts to act cold and distances himself from you
He would hardly call or text you except he needs something
He begins to keep secrets from you
He talks about breakups often
He’s no longer scared of losing you
He makes it obvious he has someone else
When Should You Let A Man Go?
When he starts to treat you like trash
When he no longer respects you
When you are no longer a priority
When he starts to take you for granted
When he cheats on you repeatedly
How Do You Know If He Still Wants To Be With You?
He’s committed to making the relationship work
He treats you with love and respect
He calls and texts you often
He apologizes to you if he’s at fault
He’s willing to forgive you if you hurt him.