Sometimes, fighting every day with your boyfriend could be because the relationship has passed the honeymoon phase, and you’re no longer pretending to each other.
Fighting with him often could mean the end of the relationship is near.
It’s exhausting to be fighting with your man daily, especially for things that don’t make sense.
In this article, you will discover why you fight with him daily and what you can do to fix it.
If you’re ready, let’s dive in
My Boyfriend And I Fight Every Day: Why?
1. You’re Not Compatible

If you fight with your boyfriend often because you can’t agree on something, that’s a sign you’re not compatible.
If you want different things and no one is willing to compromise, compatibility might be the issue.
Relationships are about love and compromise.
If you’re unwilling to compromise for each other, it might be why you fight every day.
When you’re not compatible, you find it difficult to have meaningful conversations with each other without arguing.
2. He’s Having Personal Challenges.
When some men are going through challenges, they become cold and get angry easily.
Maybe you have yet to notice he’s going through personal challenges, which makes him feel you don’t care about him.
Men often want to be left alone when they’re having challenges, and the more you try to talk to him, the more likely you will fight.
Maybe he recently lost his job, or he’s broke and doesn’t know what to do.
If you’ve ever heard him say, “You nag too much,” his current mood might be causing the fight.
3. There’s Someone Else In The Picture

My ex-girlfriend and I dated for three years, and we didn’t have any fights until she started double dating and was looking for a way to quit our relationship and be with the new guy.
That was when we started fighting every day, literally over nothing.
It was shocking to me how we moved from being the couple that everyone admired to fighting every day.
Until I later found out she was cheating, and that was the cause of our constant fighting.
She had lost interest in our relationship but didn’t know how to communicate it.
If you’re fighting with your boyfriend every day, it might mean there’s someone else in the picture.
Either you’re falling for another guy, or he’s the one dating another girl.
4. Unresolved Conflicts
You may have unresolved issues with him. He might still be angry or resentful and unwilling to let go, so anything you say might provoke a fight.
You might also be fighting every day because you’re trying to control him or because he’s the one trying to control you.
Maybe he doesn’t want you to have male friends, and you don’t want to let them go.
Stubbornness towards each other might be the reason for the constant fights.
My Boyfriend And I Fight Everyday: How To Handle The Situation
5. Find Out The Cause
The first step is to determine the cause of the constant fights and whether it can be avoided.
Most times, it can be avoided if you and your boyfriend commit to communicating your differences.
6. Talk To Him About It
After you have figured out the source of the fights, talk to him about it.
It’s important that you have an honest conversation with him to resolve any issue that might be causing the constant fights.
Let him know you don’t like the fact that you fight every day, and try not to put all the blame on him because it will make him defensive, which would ruin the conversation.
You can say something like, “Babe, I really don’t want us to fight anymore. Is there something I’m doing that you don’t like, or are you angry about something? If you are, please let’s talk about it?”
By saying that, you’re giving him an opportunity to express himself, and the conversation will likely yield positive results.
If he’s also doing what you don’t like, please tell him because a one-sided relationship would hardly survive the test of time.
7. Make A Strict Resolution
My current girlfriend and I always resolve any issue we have on the same day.
We don’t allow it to get beyond that day because it can cause resentment, which is a silent killer of relationships.
Create some rules on how you will handle disagreements to avoid fighting on a daily basis.
8. Introduce Something New

Sometimes fighting everyday with your boyfriend could be a sign of boredom in the relationship.
You may be bored with each other and need some adventure.
You can organize a mini vacation or take him out for some outdoor activities and talk about the relationship.
9. Consult A Therapist
If the issue is not resolved even after you’ve applied the strategies above, then it’s time to consult a professional therapist who will help uncover the hidden reasons for the constant fights.
Sometimes, you need someone else who is not emotionally connected to the relationship to tell you the truth and help you see things from the right perspective.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Constant Fighting With Your Boyfriend Normal?
Although it’s normal to disagree and fight with your boyfriend occasionally, constant fighting could mean you’re not compatible, or one of you is cheating and looking for a way to quit the relationship.
How Do I Forgive My Boyfriend After A Big Fight?
If you recently got into a big fight with your boyfriend, the following tips can help you forgive him.
Openly communicate your feelings: the more you don’t talk about it, the harder it will be to forgive him.
If you ignore him or feel the issue will resolve itself, it might not, and you will start resenting each other.
Sit with your boyfriend, tell him what he did to hurt you, and listen to his explanations.
Avoid keeping things in mind: the last thing a guy wants is for you to tell him you’ve forgiven him, only to bring up the issue another day.
I know it’s not easy to forgive someone and let go, but you have to try if you want the relationship to work.
Set boundaries
You can make a resolution with your boyfriend concerning things to avoid that cause constant fighting in the relationship.
If there’s a particular thing that causes fights, such as he doesn’t like your job or you don’t like his female friends, then you can discuss it and come to a compromise.
My Boyfriend And I Fight Every Day. I Don’t Know What To Do Anymore. Should I Go Or Should I Stay?
It depends on the situation. If you’ve had a series of discussions about the issue and have made resolutions that have not worked,
It might be you’re not compatible or hiding something from each other.
But if you’ve never had a serious conversation about why you’re always fighting, then you need to discuss it ASAP.
The issue might be a difference in expectations or communication.