So, there’s this cute guy you have a crush on.
Or, maybe he’s even your boyfriend.
And you want to get his attention or make him desire you and think about you nonstop.
But you aren’t sure what to say to get his heart racing.
Flirty texts for him to turn him on
Honestly, you need to know what to say. There’s nothing worse than wanting to flirt with a guy you like – whether in person or over text – but having no idea what to say.
Otherwise, you risk being boring or those awkward silences and “hi” messages that are so far from provoking the effects you desire.
How to be flirty
There are cute flirty things to say to a guy. There are also subtle flirty things to say to a guy to make him want you, desire you, like you, and obsess over you.
Now, whether you’re looking for:
Flirty things to say to a guy in person (or)
Flirty things to say to a guy over text
The strategy is pretty much the same.
We use our smartphones more than going on dates.
In fact, most dating begins under our fingertips as we swipe away on dating apps.
But just because your first interaction with a guy is through text doesn’t mean you can’t get your flirt on and have them pining for more.
Using flirty texts to converse with the guy you like gives you the confidence to say what your heart and body desire.
Besides, there are flirty things to say to a guy you like, and testing gives you the freedom without fearing public rejection.
So, whether it’s a sweet text to the guy you like to let him know you’re thinking of him,
Or flirty texts that will have him eagerly awaiting your next date. Below are lists of texts to make him think about you to send the guy you like that will take your flirting game to the next level.
And of course, don’t forget that while texting the guy you like can be a lot of fun, the best relationships are built by spending time together in real life.
The ultimate goal is to get real dates and progress to committed relationship.
11 Flirty Things To Say To A Guy
1. I Had A Wild Dream About You Last Night

Guess what?
He’d be eager to know what happened for sure.
I recently used this on my crush, and she wouldn’t rest until I told her what had happened.
I didn’t.
Please keep him in suspense. And promise to tell him some other time.
2. Joshua, When Was The Last Time We Spoke? I Can’t Even Remember. We Really Need To Change That.
Always call him by his name; he’d love it.
And if you’re the type that’s not comfortable being too forward, this is a cute and cheeky way to let him know what you want.
3. You Know How I Feel About You. What I Want to Know Is What You’re Going to Do about It.
That’s right –especially if you’ve given him some hints before and he’s not moving things forward.
It’s a great way to put the ball in his court.
4. I’m Having The Worst Day, But I Felt Instantly Better The Moment I Saw Your Text.
This lets him know that he always puts a smile on your face. Trust me, that’s sure to have an effect on him.
5. It’s Okay If I Text You While I’m Naked, Right?
This is subtle and yet so effective. It makes your guy’s imagination run wild.
But, it isn’t a stand-alone message you can just send on its own.
There has to be a build-up before sending it.
Here’s an example:
Recently, I was chatting with my crush. We were supposed to make a video call.
But she didn’t pick up. Instead, she messaged me, saying, “I’m naked. Is it okay if we just chat?”
Honestly, my mind was all over the place, wondering and imagining stuff.
6. Want To Hear A Dirty Little Secret I’ve Been Keeping?
This kind of text provokes curiosity.
He’d definitely say yes. I mean, how could he not?!
7. Matt, I Always Enjoy Chatting With You. But I’m Just Wondering When I’ll See You In Person.
Don’t his fingers hurt from all the typing?
It’s time to transition into going on dates. That’s the ultimate goal, remember?
8.Are You Always This Cute, Or Did I Just Catch You On A Good Day?
Looking for flirty texts to make him laugh? Especially if you’re texting him for the first time and you’ve met just once.
This is one powerful way how to flirt with a crush over text.
You know the answer – he’s cute, and it never hurts to tell him so.
9.It’s Cold Tonight. Want To Come Over And Keep Me Warm?
Some girl used this on me pretty recently during our chat.
She: “It’s freezing over here tonight. Can you come over to keep me warm?
Me: “Absolutely. Just give me ten minutes, and I’ll be with you. But I hope you’ve got a big bed and a wide duvet?”
Of course, she lives in another city. But you get the idea.
The best way to stay warm is body heat. It’s flirty, and it’s scientific, too!
10.Guess What I’m Wearing Right Now?
Again, this will make his imagination run wild.
So, let’s see where his imagination goes.
11. Are You One Of Those Guys That Get Turned On When Girls Make The First Move On Them, Or Should I Wait For You To Do It Yourself?
Oh, dear, you didn’t! This line is definitely letting him know what you want!
What To Say To A Guy To Make Him Blush?

1. I feel so safe when I’m with you
2. Your arms feel like home
3. I’ll never forget the night we…
4. I’d choose you every single time.
5. Undeniably, you’re the best things that have ever happened to me
6. I’ll never be able to put how much I love you into words
7. You’re so funny. You always make me laugh
8. I’m thankful for you every day
9. I want to wake up beside you every day for the rest of my life
10. I hope you’re having a good day, can’t keep you out of my mind
11. I’m so lucky to have you in my life –as a best friend and boyfriend
12. I wish you were here right now. I miss you
13. Every ounce of insecurity and fear I have disappears in your arms
14. No one has ever come close to making me feel the way you do.
15. I’m proud of you
Texts To Make Him Think About You
When fired off, each of these texts elicits a different response from a guy. Some of these texts show certainty and independence, others are flirty, and some make you seem fun and intriguing.
Others teach you how to flirt sexually over text (they create sexual desire.)
They aren’t all designed for the same situation. Some work better with guys you just met, while others work best with guys you’ve been seeing for some time.
And whatever emotion each text is designed to trigger, all of them communicate that you are a high-value woman.
Here Are 5 Examples Of Texts To Make Him Think About You (Texts No Man Can Resist)
1. You, Me, Pizza, Lord Of The Rings, Tonight. Be There.
This isn’t for a first-date scenario.
It might sound like an early invite for sex. But if you’re already seeing someone and have already seen each other’s places and perhaps been intimate, this can be a fun and assertive date request.
It’s playful. It’s direct. And it’s attractive.
You can insert any movie title you want to see (other than the lord of the ring.)
2. This Jacket Would Look Hot On You
Here’s what to do.
Take a picture of a jacket or a piece of clothing that you think would look attractive on him. Send it to him with the above message.
This is the trick…
You aren’t saying it’s a hot jacket… you’re saying it’d look especially hot on him.
And again, using the word “hot” against “nice” guarantees you will not get ‘friend-zoned’ or labeled as a ‘nice’ girl.
3. Just About To Take A Shower. Heading Out With Some Friends In A Bit. What Are You Doing?
Warning: don’t use this with someone you started messaging. Or he may think it’s a cue to get sexual too quickly.
4. It’s A Good Thing We’re Colleagues/ Live Far Apart/ Just Friends… You And I Would Be Trouble.
The word ‘trouble’ makes the text exciting.
“Trouble you say? What does that even mean? This sounds thrilling.”
In the world of attraction, the word ‘trouble’ is a delightfully charged word.
Now, you can sit back and allow his imagination to do the work for you.
5. I’d Love To Answer Your Questions, But Only If You’re Ready To Upgrade To My “Boyfriend Status. Until Then….(Wink)
Here’s what this means
Let’s say a guy is asking you some personal questions. You just met him. And you aren’t exclusive yet.
And, of course, you like him and would want him to move things forward.
Instead of answering and telling him everything he needs to know about you, you could playfully reply with the text above.
Add the winky face emoji at the end.
It will crack him up a bit and make him think about you. He never saw that coming.
Romantic Texts For Him

Let’s dial it back a bit.
Here are 5 flirty texts for those in love. They’re perfect if you have a boyfriend. These simple texts will get your partner to smile.
1. How’s your day? Get home safe.
2. I’m tired, but I don’t want to stop texting you.
3. I miss you.
4. I wake up to a photo of you on my phone when I really want to wake up beside you
5. You make every day feel like Valentine’s Day.
3 Funny & Teasing Texts For Him
Guys love and easily fall for girls with a sense of humor. And it is perfect if teasing is your flirting language.
You can send one of these texts to your man when he’s out of the house to make him frown or laugh.
However, here’s a caveat…
I’ve seen this kind of playful banter go wrong. So, for the record:
Teasing is NOT mocking.
Some people think of the word “teasing” and immediately assume that it means making fun of a guy.
Or exposing his insecurities and joking at his expense.
You might be under the illusion that poking fun of a guy makes you seem confident and funny, but it really just makes him see you as his bratty sister.
You put him on the defensive when you mock him, which kills your allure.
So, don’t even try it.
What can I text a guy to tease him?
Below are a few examples.
1. Text Him When He’s Right There With You
This is a lot of fun. Just text your guy while sitting next to you or across the table.
Perhaps while you two are at the gym next to each other on separate machines. Send him something along the lines of: “Hey, dude, I’m thinking your pace is kind of lazy… speed up!”
It’s unexpected, and it’s likely to get him to smile right then and there. Please don’t do it often though.
2. Give Him A Fun Nickname
The key to this tip is to push the limits a bit. Most girls would be inclined to give him a cute and squishy nickname like “Puppy fur” or ” Kitty whiskers.”
Yeah, but don’t do that!
Use something that is a slight tease, instead. Use a name related to something silly he’s done or even poke fun at something he might own.
Example: If he’s good at finding exciting movies on Netflix. You send him: “Dude, you’re the Netflix Whisperer!”
You get the idea.
3. Play Up His Infatuation
This one is a bit tough for many girls to do, but it’s worth it if you have the confidence to try.
Here’s what you do:
Tease him about how into you he is.
Let’s say you have a conversation going on about how cute his dog is, and you could send this:
“Usually, when a dog likes me that much, his master likes me WAY more… ;-).”
Now, there are many other flirty things to say to a guy, but the above examples give you ideas on what to say.
I hope you find this article helpful.