Speak To Spark Arousal Review

Review of: Speak to spark arousal
Use: Attract and date beautiful women
The program focuses on developing social skills
The program cost $67 is which not so cheap but fair
the program offers full refund within 60 days.
I Like
- the techniques taught in the program are not manipulative and it’s easy to implement.
I Don't Like
- There were no answers to the practice questions given inside the program.
Summary: Speak to spark arousal is an online relationship program created by playboy radio host Jessica J.
Jessica teaches men without what nobody tells you about women and how to date and attract hot women.
Speak To Spark Arousal Member’s Area

This Is A True Life Story
In 2016, I went with my friend by the name ken to a camping event.
Ken brought one of his female friends called Stephanie, to the camp.
At that time, ken was in a serious relationship with his then-girlfriend, and they were already talking about marriage.
Stephanie had a crush on ken, but ken was in a relationship, so he didn’t show any interest.
The more she tried, the more frustrated she was getting ken’s attention.
One thing led to another, and we became friends; after a few months, we started our relationship.
Although I did my best to make her happy, I soon discovered that the relationship was one-sided.
I did all I could to make her comfortable, but it was pretty evident that she wasn’t into me.
She was trying to keep up with the relationship because her friends told her I was nice.
I couldn’t figure out how to trigger the emotional part of her brain.
Honestly, I didn’t know something was missing from my end.
It continued like that until a year later when she dumped me and said she could no longer continue, all the efforts I made to change her mind failed.
The funny part is although I spent a considerable amount on her, I didn’t even see her panties; for the one year we dated, I didn’t see her naked once.
She was constantly bathing and wearing her clothes in the bathroom.
I didn’t see anything for the time we dated until she finally called the relationship quits.
A few weeks after our break up, I noticed she started putting a guy’s picture in her DP on social media; that’s something she never did for me when we were together.
She was so into the new guy that they started making wedding plans, something she rarely talked about when she was with me.
It was not the first time something like this was happening to me.
Some years ago, I also encountered such in my relationship with a lady called Ann.
She did the same thing. Ann was worse because she was double dating one other guy and me.
She later dumped me for the other guy.
Immediately after we separated, her WhatsApp status was flooded with the guy’s picture, which she never did for me.
I once told her that she had never uploaded my picture on any of her social media profiles, for which she replied she wanted to keep things low-key.
A few weeks after we broke up, her new guy was all over her social media profiles.
It got to a point where I knew something was wrong, and I needed to fix it, or my relationship would continue to be used and dumped by women.
That was when I encountered Jessica J’s speak to spark arousal program; at first, I was skeptical because I had taken similar programs that were not worth it.
Was this one different? You will find out in this speak to spark arousal review.
Speak To Spark Arousal Review: 8 Critical Things To Know
What Is Speak To Spark Arousal Program?
Speak to spark arousal program is an online dating program created by Jessica J to teach men the secret things they need to know when talking to women.
The program also teaches men to attract and date beautiful women without becoming an assh*le.
The program aims to help men develop social skills, which are a critical ingredient if you want to be successful with women.
It was inside the program I finally discovered what I had been missing.
It was the way I communicated with the ladies that made them dispensable.
It was also how the guys they were crazy about were talking to them that made them obsessed over those guys.
This was a significant turnaround for dating life.
Discovering what I had been doing wrong made it easy to correct my mistakes.
The Importance of Flirting While talking: before I took the program, I never thought flirting with women was necessary.
I thought flirting was not necessary, that all you needed to do with women was tell them how you feel and you are done.
How wrong I was. Women enjoy it when you flirt with them and compliment them consistency.
It awakens their emotional part and makes them think about you every minute.
I was the old school guy that didn’t believe in flirting, but this program changed all that and also taught me the right way to flirt with a woman to get what you want.
List of Topics Covered In the Program
The main program has six modules, and each of the modules is discussed below:
Module 1 (The Rule of 3): Jessica shows you the communication mistakes most guys make that turn women off in this module.
She also talks about the triangle of trust, a secret but straightforward technique to get a woman sexually aroused during a conversation.
The triangle of trust principle works by first getting a lady to be comfortable with you. When she feels safe around you, you start planting ideas of sexual emotions in her brain.
Module 2 (1-2-3 talk): this module has five videos that teach you the right way to approach women
Without using the boring, you look familiar bullsh*t.
Jessica teaches you how to give a woman an emotional gift that would make her pay attention to you.
This emotional gift shuts the reasoning part of her brain and compels her to respond to you even if she doesn’t want to.
Jessica goes deep into the psychology of why women do crazy things, such as dating a guy she knows is bad for her or dating a married man.
Jessica shows you the exact thing those guys do to these ladies to take advantage of their brains and make them agree to do stupid things.
Module 3 (Mixed Ingredients and Baking the Cake): teaches men how to keep a conversation going with women making it interesting and fun.
She emphasizes the importance of making a woman laugh. Which many relationship coaches agree is a sure key to getting into a woman’s heart.
She also encourages men to lead the conversation in order not to be seen as a boring guy in the lady’s eyes.
Most ladies want you to make the conversation hot and exciting; the more you ask dumb questions, the more she feels the conversation is a waste of time.
She encourages men to master the art of communication to connect with women on an emotional level.
Module 4 (The Number Sandwich and Going Home): in this module, Jessica teaches you the strategies to get her number and also how to get her to your apartment.
She shares a secret that most men don’t even know, and that is “women like to do crazy things when they are emotional.”
This module teaches you how to flip her emotional switch so you can take her home for a great time.
Module 5 (Getting A Stronger Rope): in this module, you will learn how to create a more intense connection with your desired lady.
You would also learn how to use storytelling ability to hack the emotional part of her brain.
She states women are looking for something to relate to, And if they can connect to your story, they would become emotional, which you can use to your advantage.
Module 6 (Don’t Be a Ho): this module teaches men how not to get pushed around by women in the process of trying to get what they want.
She teaches men to be resilient and not allow women to have their way because, in reality, women do not go crazy for men that allow them do whatever they want.
Speak To Spark Arousal Override Effect
The overriding effect is a psychological term representing how the reasoning part of a female’s brain shuts down when she’s sexually or emotionally aroused.
Proven by psychologists, it’s been discovered that when women are aroused, they do things that disgust them on a typical day.
The study reveals that women don’t think straight anymore when sexually aroused.
In the speak to spark arousal program, you learn how to sexually arouse a woman so you can get her to do what you want.
Jessica J shows men the little things they take for granted that turn women on and make them emotionally involved with you.
Speak To Spark Arousal Bonuses
You get the following bonuses immediately you get access to the member’s area of the program.
Bonus 1 (the seven secret signal 26 pages e-book): shares seven secret signals that would confirm if a lady is attracted to you.
Knowing that would give you a lot of advantages when you start a conversation with her.
Bonus (what to say next audio 18.48 minutes): most guys quickly run out of what to say to a lady.
Some guys even have problems starting a conversation, but you wouldn’t have to deal with such issues again because of this audio.
This audio file gives ideas for a conversation with a lady.
Bonus (the friend zone escape hatch 12 pages e-book): it’s a simple book that gives you a clear roadmap on how to get out of your friend zone. The pages are not much, but the content is valuable.
Since it’s easy for women to friend-zone men this book is critical as you build friendship with your dream lady.
Who is Jessica J (Program Creator)
Jessica J is a relationship coach for men that has a show on playboy radio.
She teaches men how to have a healthy mindset when communicating with women.
Jessica has helped so many guys overcome the phobia of approaching women.
Her calendar is always booked out, which led her to create speak to spark arousal guide to help men across the world. She has a degree in psychology.
Speak To Spark Arousal Review: Pros And Con
- The program was created by a female dating coach that doesn’t believe in feminism.
- The program is easy to implement.
- You learn how to have a conversation with women without sounding weird naturally.
- The program is based on actual research into the female’s brain and how to take advantage of it.
- The program cost $49.95, which in my opinion, is expensive.
- There were enough practice questions in the program, but the author did give the answer.
- It takes time to complete the program and its bonuses.
Alternative Programs to Speak To Spark Arousal
The scrambler technique: the scrambler technique is a program created by relationship experts Bobby Rio and Rob judge.
The program aims to help guys get out of their friend zone with women.
In the scrambler technique, you learn deep insight into the world of women and why nice guys get friend-zoned by women.
Bobby and Rob give you a step-by-step blueprint to unlock her legs and get the total commitment from her.
It’s a program for every guy thinking of breaking out of their friend zone with their dream lady.
Read unlock the scrambler review here.
Magnetic messaging: another program created by Bobby Rio and Rob judge.
The program teaches men how to use a set of 3 text messages called the key lock sequence to unlock the emotional part of a woman’s brain.
The program is based on scientific research into the female brain and how it responds to certain words.
The program shares some templates that you can instantly use to hook any woman
Does the Speak To Spark Arousal Work?
Yes, I can confidently say the speak to spark arousal program works because I have used it to change my love story from the guy women used to dump to the guy who ladies can’t get enough of.
The women who dumped me then when I didn’t know how to trigger their emotional wires are all over me now.
The program had transformed my dating life. I highly recommend you get it, and you would be glad you did.
Besides, the program comes with a 60-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, so you don’t have anything to lose if you don’t like the program.