Magnetic Messaging Review

magnetic messaging review

Review of: Magnetic messaging

Use: Text messages to attract women



The key lock sequence is very effective on women.



The program cost $47 which is not so expensive



The program offers a 60-day money back.

I Like

I Don't Like

Summary: Magnetic messaging is a program created by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge that shows men how to attract and arouse beautiful women.
The program uses three text messages known as the key lock sequence, which turns on women’s emotions.

Pages From The E-Book

Have you seen a boring text message before?? It looks like this

This Is A True Life Story

Some years ago, I met a girl online and we started chatting.

We were asking ourselves some basic questions, neither of us wanting to go deeper.

I always asked the boring “how are you doing” “just want to check on you” messages.

She was responding well at first, and for the next several days, we continued on that trend until she stopped replying my messages.

I didn’t know what to do or text her that would immediately make her interested again.

Funny enough, that was not the only girl who has ghosted me during chats.

That was when I decided to be a master at messaging women.

I needed to know the right words to type in a message that would provoke emotions in a woman.

That was how I came across magnetic messaging.

I got into the program when I had the opportunity, and I can attest there’s been a massive improvement in my texting skills.

Remember the girl I said earlier ghosted me during our chats? She started to reply to me consistently, and she was even more interested in hanging out with me thanks to the key lock sequence I had used on her.

In this magnetic messaging review, I share everything you need to know about the program and tell you if it is worth it.

Magnetic Messaging Review: 9 You Must Know

What’s Magnetic Messaging

Magnetic messaging is an online course created by bobby Rio and Rob judge that teaches men how to use text messages to ignite the right emotions in a woman.

The program is aimed at men who want to date hotter ladies but don’t know what to do.

Bobby and Rob show men three simple texts called the key lock sequence that opens the heart and emotions of any woman.

Most men have a messaging problem regarding women, just like me before taking the course.

Sending the right text message to a lady is critical to winning her heart.

How Does Magnetic Messaging Work

The program works by teaching you the key lock sequence, which comprises of three simple text messages that would trigger the emotional parts of her brain and make her think about you non-stop.

The key lock sequence also helps you to set dates with the lady you admire.

The program teaches you how to be a master with the phone game, which women are naturally good at.

What’s Inside the Magnetic Messaging Program

The magnetic messaging program contains the main program titled “magnetic messaging: 3 texts to fast track attraction” It has 185 pages.

The main e-book has six parts, and they are outlined below:

Part 1

Introduction (the principles of the phone game): this section talks about text messages in the book and how to use them to your advantage.

Bobby Rio and Rob Judge lay the foundation for writing captivating text messages that would spark women’s emotions.

They also state the level of connection that would determine the kind of text message sent.

They both agreed that a text message that is a bit naughty with a charming sense of humor is the key to unlocking her emotions.

They also said you must lead the conversation and be specific in your request when you message her.

Part 2

First phase (you want to date her): in this section, both coaches share insight into what to do after getting her number.

They dissect the first text you should send her, revealing why you should keep it simple.

They further explain that you should keep it simple to get around it in case things go awkward.

They share insight on why the first text should carry curiosity, humor, and direction.

They also give insight on how to respond if things go south. Such as when you get a reply like “who is this” or “what do you look like.”

They expose practical insight that can help you conquer objections or rejections.

In this first phase, you learn about the key lock sequence.

Part 3

Second phase (you are dating her): this section talks about the techniques to set up the first date and wow her in the process.

The coaches strongly emphasize that you be a gentleman, including arriving at the location on time and not keeping her waiting.

They also reveal what to do to make her excited and want a second date with you.

Issues such as avoiding distractions and asking her weird questions are also discussed.

The coaches emphasize that the more fun she said she had on the first date, the more she wants to go on a second date with you.

They also share secret strategies for complimenting her without sounding like a freak.

Part 4

Third phase (you’re dating her): this section talks about what to do to make women know that you care, because to women caring means everything.

Gestures such as frequent calling and texting with a wicked sense of humor mean a lot to women.

The coaches reveal that getting her to laugh every time is the key to making her think about you and want you badly.

They reveal the importance of having a style of conversation that is unique to you that would make her desire you.

They also stress the need to avoid being predictable because when you are predictable, you become boring, and boredom to women means death.

They share the technique to start sexting and arouse her sexually; they also talk about what to do to get her interested in sexting.

What about if you want a threesome?

The coaches share the magical strategies you can use to get her to agree.

It involves planting the seed in her head and nurturing it consistently until she finally says yes.

The coaches also share how to get her to share intimate pictures with you, something you and I know is challenging to get women to agree to.

Part 5

Appendix (common questions and mistakes): in this section, frequently asked questions are answered, and common mistakes are exposed.

This section aims to make you aware of men’s common mistakes and how to avoid them.

One of such mistakes outlined in the book is texting a lady too much

This makes you look like a pain in the ass; even if she connected with you before, you are bound to scare her off.

Many guys make this mistake when they begin to send so many messages that the lady begins to avoid them.

This section ends with Bobby Rio giving a reminder that the man should keep handling the logistics to eliminate any barrier that would stop the girl from going on a date with you.

Part 6

Final thoughts (afterword from Rob): in this final section, Bobby Rio shares his final thought about the strategies that have been shared from the beginning.

He also talks about how to deal with emotion because women are emotional beings, and when they get emotional, the reasoning part of their brain shuts down.

Coach Bobby shows you how to dial into her emotions to make her do things she wouldn’t normally do.

He further shares the strategies you need to apply to take her to bed, such as sharing a story about yourself that would get her emotional.

The program also offers three complimentary bonuses to the main program, namely:

The infatuation formula: this bonus gives the infatuation formula that would make her fall in love with you even if you are just friends.

The book shows you the magic formula that would get women emotionally addicted to you. Where they think about you every moment of the day

Ninety-nine best texts of all time: a compilation of 99 best texts for every situation you find yourself in with women, including the awkward ones.

All the text messages you need to send her are documented in this bonus e-book, from the text to send when you first met her to the text to send when you want to arouse her sexually.

The rejection proof: This unique video program teaches you how to become impossible for women to reject.

You would also learn how to handle the fear of rejection which stops men from making a move on women. The strategies you need to apply to stay cool and calm when you are in front of a lady.

What’s The Key Lock Sequence?

This series of text messages are designed to provoke new women you meet.

The key lock sequence has text messages that aim to build friendship; some phrases would make women feel comfortable with you.

The key lock sequence doesn’t go straight to asking for a date but first aims to make the woman laugh and be comfortable texting you.

They also share insight on how to avoid becoming her texting buddy during the process of building friendship.

They also show you how to handle a complex woman that is playing hard to get.

The coaches share tips on making a lady excited and interested in a date by injecting humor into the text message you send her.

Being unpredictable, which makes women super excited, is also discussed in this section.

Magnetic Mastermind Kit PDF

If you would like to download the magnetic mastermind kit,

a monthly report by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge that teaches men magnetic texting tips.

The report provides answers based on feedback on any challenges you might encounter when using magnetic messaging.

This PDF is brought to you courtesy of the issues of love team.

Download mastermind kit here…

Who’s This Program For

Bobby Rio’s magnetic messaging program is exclusively for men that want to spark emotions in any woman they are attracted to without sounding desperate or needy in the process.

The program is also for those who want to get out of friend zone

or learn the secrets of texting women.

About Bobby Rio and Rob Judge (Program Creators)

Bobby Rio has been a relationship coach for men for six years.

He’s the founder of TSB magazine.

TSB is a leading men’s website for dating tips and resources, bobby has a YouTube channel with over 200K subscribers.

Rob judge has been a relationship coach since 2009. He started in New York, where he quickly rose to success due to his unique approach to women.

Rob has been invited to speak at notable events such as the 21st convention.

Magnetic Messaging Vs. Scrambler Effect

Bobby Rio and Rob Judge are also the creators of the scrambler technique, a program that teaches men how to get out of their friend zone.

The program gives a step-by-step blueprint on how to get out of “you are my friend, and I want it to stay that way” BS.

You can read the detailed review here.

Magnetic messaging focuses on using just three simple texts to trigger a woman’s hidden emotions.

The program is based on using the secrets of women gotten from scientific research to do what you want.

I recommend that you get the program. It will forever change the way you interact with women.

Magnetic Messaging Review: Pros And Cons



Does Magnetic Messaging Really Work?

As someone who used to suck at texting women, I was someone that after women chatted with me for a while, they just suddenly ghosted me.

That has since changed since I got the magnetic messaging course.

The lady I talked about at the beginning was much more interested when I used the key lock sequence to get her attention after she had ignored me for months.

I highly recommend that you get the course and if you don’t like it you can get your money back.